
Being seen is a huge commitment

Being seen is a huge commitment !! 有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎 Have friends come from afar 

博取智慧 厚德载商 商行其道 博学笃行 以质量求生存 以信誉促发展 Gain Wisdom and Virtue to Carry Business The business is knowledgeable and earnest Survive by quality, promote development by reputation

I am shacman, I am me, different fireworks

I am shacman, I am me, different fireworks

Use responsibility to fly dreams, use responsibility to express glory, use responsibility to gather strength, and use responsibility to create brilliance


负重奋进 开拓创新 Carrying heavy burdens and striving for innovation

Company Profile

Shaanxi Zhongji Huasheng Trading Co., Ltd. Follow closely the development philosophy of Shaanxi Automobile Heavy Truck "win the world, lead the service, and achieve the future with quality"


Company Culture

Innovation Team Struggle Equal Responsibility


After Sales Network

Close to the market, caring for users, empathizing with others, and providing sincere services


百舸争流千帆竞,借海扬帆奋者先 A hundred boats compete for the flow, a thousand sails compete, and those who take advantage of the sea and set sail are the first to strive



Product positioning: high-end long-distance high-speed logistics delivery tractor, for long-distance rapid logistics, daily industrial products, container transport and other markets. Main features: high efficiency, low fuel consumption, intelligent, comfortable, matching 10L、11L、12L、13L engine, four-point airbag shock absorption, grammer air seat, double seal and other noise reduction design. A total of 150,000 units have been sold. In the actual verification, the feedback from the users shows that the comfort and fuel saving performance are comparable to those of European and American trucks. The vehicle body is automatically welded by robots from the world's top ABB company. The main welding automation rate is 100%. The welding accuracy is high, the solder joints are distributed evenly, and there is no phenomenon such as desoldering and false welding. It can ensure that there will be no open welding deformation under harsh environments and impact resistance.


乐学善思奋进创造 Enjoying learning, good thinking, and striving to create



Introduced in 2009, the F3000 series the one of the best selling product. Reliable, rugged and powerful, the F3000 series can tackle any task its owner ask of it. F3000 is the first choice for overseas engineering projects. This series platform also has the largest volume in the international market, winning the hearts of its operators.


多才因博学,精艺自超群 Many talents are born out of erudition, and their exquisite craftsmanship surpasses others 



Adopting the narrow body cab of the German MAN TGS model, it has the leading design technology and manufacturing technology of Europe, with better lateral adaptability and trafficability. The H3000 series is great for medium to long distance transportation in and around an urban environment.


传承经典,知行致远 Inheriting Classics, Knowing, Doing, and Going Far 



L3000 is a medium sized truck for inter-city logistics transportation, municipal sanitation and urban construction, with an economic speed of 40~60km/h. The total carrying capacity of the vehicle is between 12 and 18 tons. Main features: light weight, high cost performance, good maneuverability, mainly matching 4L, 6L engines. Mainly for daily industrial products, cold chain intercity transport, municipal sanitation and other customer groups. The L3000 model is already a medium-sized truck benchmark in the domestic market and is among the best in mid-size truck sales. Overseas markets have been exported to more than 20 countries including Russia, the Philippines, Chile, Oman, Jamaica, Cameroon, Uganda, Algeria, Laos and Dominica.

SHACMAN appeared in the 133rd Canton Fair

SHACMAN appeared in the 133rd Canton Fair

SHACMAN made its tenth appearance at the Canton Fair, showcasing our most advanced trucks, components and spare parts

Hello SHACMAN!greetings from colombia

Hello SHACMAN!greetings from colombia

Carrying dreams, driving the future, choosing Shaanxi Automobile for heavy trucks, creating wealth and creating the future.

The signing ceremony of the vehicle delivery sales target in the Middle East market

The signing ceremony of the vehicle delivery sales target in the Middle East market

SHACMAN successfully held a product delivery ceremony in the Middle East market

SHACMAN X6000 840 HP released

SHACMAN X6000 840 HP released

SHACMAN X6000 840 HP released

Customers highly recognize SHACMAN products

Customers highly recognize SHACMAN products

It's just because I saw you one more time on the Internet, and I can't forget your face anymore. I dream of having you one day, the SHACMAN in my heart!

SHACMAN Uzbekistan vehicles start batches

SHACMAN Uzbekistan vehicles start batches

The batch delivery of vehicles this time reflects customers' high recognition and trust in SHACMAN's products and services.

Congratulations SHACMAN L3000 compressed garbage truck delivered in batches in Kyrgyzstan

Congratulations SHACMAN L3000 compressed garbage truck delivered in batches in Kyrgyzstan

Urban environmental protection new pioneer SHACMAN garbage truck shines in Kyrgyzstan.

SHACMAN gallops across the African continent

SHACMAN gallops across the African continent

The accumulative sales of heavy trucks exceeded 75,000 units, and it has become the leading brand of heavy trucks in the local area.

Batch delivery of SHACMAN X3000 tractor + flatbed trailer

Batch delivery of SHACMAN X3000 tractor + flatbed trailer

SHACMAN X3000 tractors focus on the current customer needs, aiming at the carrying characteristics of different market segments, and have won unanimous praise from the industry for their excellent quality and advanced configuration concepts.

​Shaanqi heavy trucks with high quality ➕ overseas quality assurance help every customer to get rich

​Shaanqi heavy trucks with high quality ➕ overseas quality assurance help every customer to get rich

In addition to ensuring the efficient operation of vehicles used by customers in more than 100 overseas countries, SHACMAN also undertakes many social responsibilities, and has become the most shining business card among overseas Chinese heavy truck brands.

  • Xi'an Economic Development Zone,Shaanxi, China
  • Shaanxi Zhongji Huasheng Trading Co., Ltd.